Posts by Roger Tower

Marketing Agent: Roger Tower

Digital marketing agent by day and amateur crime fighter by night. This ninja ginja writes about technology trends, social media advancements, and light commentary on our digital culture. Founder of Tower Agency, Roger can be found working hard in the office or playing hard outside.

Positivity is a virtue and there is no shortage with this young entrepreneur.

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The Times they are a Changin’, Right Mark?  

The Times they are a Changin’, Right Mark?

Posted by on May 24, 2013

Capitalism. Some say it is the root of all evil, others that it is what helps a business grow and flourish. I’m not here to tell you what the system does, but I will say how facebook has changed since it’s IPO. Whether you are a consistent social media user or just using once a month, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that their are more ads across your newsfeed. The algorithm is changing, and it is not changing in favor of the users. In a free service the user is what is being sold, and the buyer are the business pages. Posts are showing up less frequently on newsfeeds and facebook is pushing it’s sponsored posts ability to increase profits. On a more positive note, these sponsored posts are a fantastic way to reach like minded users and find a targeted group to build your following. For example, one of my clients is a printing company near a large ivy league university. Every year the graduating seniors must bind their thesis and turn it in to the university. With the social ads it is possible to target only graduating seniors at that particular school and do it only during the 2 month period in which they must bind the thesis. If you really wanted to get...

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