The J List by Jeff West

The J List by Jeff West

Stylish Blog and Video Series Inspires Community

When Jeff West decided to transition his focus from retail to interior design, the Tower team created a powerful way to stay connected with fans and customers.

309-300x225For years Jeff West Home was a regionally acclaimed source for traditionally hip furniture, unique home goods, and products from local artisans.  Jeff brought his background in Washington D.C. merchandising and his trademark style to this Rehoboth Beach, DE retail store. After 5 successful years, Jeff decided to refocus on his first love as an interior designer.

Saying goodbye to the store’s loyal customer base for good just didn’t do justice to Jeff’s hard work, so Tower agents stepped in to create a new virtual community where Jeff could share his ideas, solicit his interior design services, and stay connected with customers.

Jeff’s new blog, The J List, allows him to provide valuable interior design knowledge and style advice and maintain an engaged community of fans and clients.  In addition to building this platform, Tower Agency produces and publicizes Jeff’s ongoing video series.  These films include seasonal style ideas and tips for handling common interior design challenges. Conceptualizing, filming, editing, and marketing these short films has become one of the Tower team’s favorite activities.

Engaging the Audience with Valuable Style Tips

Utilizing video to showcase style tips, Jeff is able to show his personality, technique, and most importantly provide value to his audience. The most viewed video from his series was the Christmas decorating tips which also experienced very high engagement rates when shared through social media. Including partner organizations and cross promotion of his videos will be the next step to his successful transition as a full time interior designer.

The Power of Quality Content

Since launching The J List and beginning production of his video series, Jeff has seen a 20% increase in the open rate of his email marketing to reach consistent open and click-through rates of 60%. Judging against the sub-20% industry averages, it’s clear that Jeff has created an engaged and loyal following through production of quality content with the help of Tower Agency. 


The J List by Jeff West

Many, many thanks to you Ian Thomas Miller, Sid Miller, and Alex Scott for making this project happen and keeping me inspired! I am truly pleased with your efforts & the final product.

– Jeff West

 Become a J-Lister to get in on all of Jeff’s traditionally hip lifestyle tips.


Digital marketing agent by day and amateur crime fighter by night. This ninja ginja writes about technology trends, social media advancements, and light commentary on our digital culture. Founder of Tower Agency, Roger can be found working hard in the office or playing hard outside.

Positivity is a virtue and there is no shortage with this young entrepreneur.

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